We are OpenTAP®, a growing community of test and measurement developers dedicated to effortless automation.
The core of OpenTAP is a cross-platform and open source test sequencer for hardware and software test automation — constantly strengthening as our community adds plugins and contributors.
The entire community benefits from faster development, integration, deployment, and optimization of superior test software.
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OpenTAP Technology Explained
OpenTAP is built with simplicity, scalability, and speed in mind. It is an extendable and cross-platform architecture, built on the .NET Platform. From its wide range of sequencing functionality and infrastructure, you can quickly develop plugins tailored to your automation needs. Plugins can include drivers for SCPI-based instruments or anything else with an API, result listeners to capture and format data, as well as user interfaces. These plugins are designed to be shared, OpenTAP itself is under a weak-copyleft license. You can also choose to share plugins with the OpenTAP community. Learn more about OpenTAP's licensing.
OpenTAP consists of multiple tools, including:
The OpenTAP core engine
A command line interface for installing plugins
The Package Manager for managing installed plugins
The power of OpenTAP efficiency
The core of OpenTAP is a test sequencer with a scalable architecture proven in hundreds of products and applications. It is designed to support all phases of the product life cycle, from early simulation and prototyping all the way to high-volume manufacturing creating a repeatable way to capture translate and store tests and test data. With it, OpenTAP users benefit from:

Develop new automation solutions easily. There's no new language to learn. Get started right away with fast installation, eye-opening examples, and a community of helpful peers.

Solve today's problems while preparing for tomorrow. Create adaptable, extensible plugins with a modern, modular software architecture.

Accelerate the development, deployment, execution, and optimization of your test software. Bring products to market faster in demanding tech segments such as telecommunications, automotive, consumer electronics, and more.
Join the OpenTAP Ecosystem
Getting Started
Effortless Automation
Open source communities have improved the world of software development. Now a new community is redefining the world of test and measurement, and you're invited to join.
Whatever you're testing – components, devices, or entire systems – you have the same goals as thousands of test engineers worldwide. You need to automate test and measurement for economies of scale and faster time-to-market.
Maybe you've been frustrated by your choices to date. Proprietary commercial products can box you in, and homegrown test platforms consume precious in-house resources.
Designed for simplicity, scalability, and speed
Easily used by both beginning and experienced test developers
A modular architecture supports straightforward integration of plugins to address unique challenges
Lower overhead to optimize test development and execution
Now you have a choice
From R&D to manufacturing, test automation teams around the world look to OpenTAP. Moreover, OEMs, ISVs, integrators, and test and measurement systems vendors contribute to the OpenTAP ecosystem.